Michael Perodin gets set to field a ground ball. RON ESPOSITO
Michael Perodin gets set to field a ground ball. RON ESPOSITO
Michael Perodin looks to throw to first base after fielding a ground ball. RON ESPOSITO
J.B. Ziglar on the mound at the Bridgehampton Fire Department on July 3. RON ESPOSITO
Henry Gregor fires down to second base. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer tries to turn two. RON ESPOSITO
Frank Sokolowski looks to make the long throw from third base. RON ESPOSITO
Chase Chmielewski gets ready for an incoming pitch during a July 3 game at the Bridgehampton Fire Department. RON ESPOSITO
Frank Sokolowski shows bunt. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer has a pitch lined up in his sights. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer catches a pop fly. RON ESPOSITO
Theo Venkatesh makes a play. RON ESPOSITO
Henry Gregor behind the plate. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer tags out a North Patchogue-Medford base runner. RON ESPOSITO
J.B. Ziglar on the mound at the Bridgehampton Fire Department on July 3. RON ESPOSITO
Michael Perodin gets set to field a ground ball. RON ESPOSITO
Michael Perodin gets set to field a ground ball. RON ESPOSITO
Michael Perodin looks to throw to first base after fielding a ground ball. RON ESPOSITO
J.B. Ziglar on the mound at the Bridgehampton Fire Department on July 3. RON ESPOSITO
Henry Gregor fires down to second base. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer tries to turn two. RON ESPOSITO
Frank Sokolowski looks to make the long throw from third base. RON ESPOSITO
Chase Chmielewski gets ready for an incoming pitch during a July 3 game at the Bridgehampton Fire Department. RON ESPOSITO
Frank Sokolowski shows bunt. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer has a pitch lined up in his sights. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer catches a pop fly. RON ESPOSITO
Theo Venkatesh makes a play. RON ESPOSITO
Henry Gregor behind the plate. RON ESPOSITO
Cade Fischer tags out a North Patchogue-Medford base runner. RON ESPOSITO
J.B. Ziglar on the mound at the Bridgehampton Fire Department on July 3. RON ESPOSITO
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