Sanctimonious - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2047765
Oct 24, 2022


Michael Daly is on extremely thin ice when chanting “misinformation out there about Liberty Gardens,” which he is aggressively promoting — and many are strongly opposing [“Panelists Stress Need for Community Housing Funds at Express Sessions Discussion,”, October 18].

A Realtor and self-ordained preacher, Mr. Daly has weaponized sanctimoniousness, often confusing himself with God, expecting his words to be swallowed and followed by virtue of his having uttered them. (Like his hero Ralph Fasano, who introduced Concern for Independent Living’s proposal by assuring everyone that just seeing what he had built would immediately silence the questions, informed concerns and opposition that erupted during his presentation.)

Daly gushes: “The award-winning, not-for-profit Concern Housing … have adjusted their plan to ensure that there are only positive contributions to the Southampton community.”

The Southampton community, not being a like-minded congregation, begs to differ, citing the many negative, dangerous, misrepresented and inappropriate elements of the development scheme. It is the public who decides what a positive contribution is, not the developer. Maybe God can ensure only positive contributions. On Earth, one man’s positive may be another man’s negative.

True to form, this Realtor from Sag Harbor, and newly woke oracle, continues to issue proclamations from his retreat aside a nature preserve in Sag Harbor, evoking blissful pilgrimages to Mr. Fasano’s “Concernland” developments and their jolly denizens. In his Mayberry evocations, complete with birthday party, he compares Liberty Gardens to Sandy Hollow, stopping to chastise “some people” who objected to it and “now realize how beautifully it fits our community.”

Lo, the people came and they beheld the units, and they rejoiced! Who, in his homilies, are “we” and “our community,” and the “many of us who remember” that this preacher man speaks for? Truth be told, no one knows.

Now he wishes to establish the following truths to offset “misinformation”: “We” (sic) know that 90 percent of applications … come from local residents or those who moved out of town.” Alas, even if true, applications cannot be limited to “locals.” Daly knows this but insinuates it anyway. Skewed information.

“Exit through the Hillcrest community”? That option was “eliminated two years ago.” True enough for now, especially while the application is under review. But for all eternity? Don’t think so.

“… will not hurt groundwater … because it will be tied to the wastewater system at Southampton Care Center, because they have so much extra capacity.” When the village investigated some years back, the center was already at maximum capacity.

“… will not be a giant traffic generator.” Forget your sinful senses, the smell of gas, the wind of speeding car, the maimed fallen by the wayside, the purgatory of wait. And take you upon unquestioning faith: the traffic studies. Amen.

Frances Genovese
