Bridgehampton Union Free School District, in conjunction with the Ross School, recently ventured on a unique and interactive field trip to Madison Square Garden. During the visit, Bridgehampton’s boys and girls basketball teams played on the court as part of a Jr. Knicks scrimmage before the NBA game against the Memphis Grizzlies. The experience was inspiring for those with aspirations to continue in Bridgehampton’s high school basketball program. COURTESY BRIDGEHAMPTON SCHOOL
Bridgehampton Union Free School District, in conjunction with the Ross School, recently ventured on a unique and interactive field trip to Madison Square Garden. During the visit, Bridgehampton’s boys and girls basketball teams played on the court as part of a Jr. Knicks scrimmage before the NBA game against the Memphis Grizzlies. The experience was inspiring for those with aspirations to continue in Bridgehampton’s high school basketball program. COURTESY BRIDGEHAMPTON SCHOOL
For the first time, the Southampton United Golf team had the opportunity to participate in a new golf program at Top Golf in Holbrook. As part of the program, sponsored by Special Olympics Long Island and Top Golf, the student-athletes practiced for eight weeks at the Top Golf facility to ready themselves for a final competition with teams from across Suffolk County. COURTESY SOUTHAMPTON SCHOOL DISTRICT
Bridgehampton Union Free School District, in conjunction with the Ross School, recently ventured on a unique and interactive field trip to Madison Square Garden. During the visit, Bridgehampton’s boys and girls basketball teams played on the court as part of a Jr. Knicks scrimmage before the NBA game against the Memphis Grizzlies. The experience was inspiring for those with aspirations to continue in Bridgehampton’s high school basketball program. COURTESY BRIDGEHAMPTON SCHOOL
Bridgehampton Union Free School District, in conjunction with the Ross School, recently ventured on a unique and interactive field trip to Madison Square Garden. During the visit, Bridgehampton’s boys and girls basketball teams played on the court as part of a Jr. Knicks scrimmage before the NBA game against the Memphis Grizzlies. The experience was inspiring for those with aspirations to continue in Bridgehampton’s high school basketball program. COURTESY BRIDGEHAMPTON SCHOOL
For the first time, the Southampton United Golf team had the opportunity to participate in a new golf program at Top Golf in Holbrook. As part of the program, sponsored by Special Olympics Long Island and Top Golf, the student-athletes practiced for eight weeks at the Top Golf facility to ready themselves for a final competition with teams from across Suffolk County. COURTESY SOUTHAMPTON SCHOOL DISTRICT
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