Set Up for Failure - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2276528
Jul 29, 2024

Set Up for Failure

Isn’t it embarrassing, if you’re a Democrat in America, that your right to express yourself via the ballot is being denied? I can say, as a lifelong Republican, that I would be dismayed if my party, with the help of the national media, lied to me for years about my candidate’s mental capacity.

Say what you will about Republicans: We actually were able to chose our candidate at the ballot box, not having to rely on individual delegates to represent us.

What’s also clear is that the Democratic Party is in total disarray. From their desire to have Donald Trump be the chosen candidate because they believed he would either be convicted and sent to jail, or the general public would dismiss his candidacy based on the current “lawfare” to destroy him. Simply, this didn’t work as planned, did it?

But what they have created is distrust, in all things they purportedly represent. The purveyors of democracy have clearly become the party of one singular message, and that is that the elite delegates make institutional decisions for the party. Sorry, but isn’t that the definition of fascism, socialism, communism and all things they purportedly abhor?

The truth is, Democrats hate individualism and all that it represents. They are the party of collective misery without joy, creating division through making us all victims without accountability. Highlighting our differences by weaponizing cultural differences via our skin color, as if that matters more than the character of our being.

It’s time to reject a party that ignores its very members by denying the ability to vote for their candidate because they hid that very candidate behind the curtain like the Wizard of Oz. But now there’s no denying who that person is behind that curtain, and that person is Democratic dystopia in which a small percentage of individuals determine a candidate’s viability even though a large percentage would never consider that person suitable in any significant way.

They can champion Vice President Kamala Harris as a breath of fresh air with a bold vision. But the reality is, she’s not capable of being a vice president, let alone our next president. She is no Andy Beshear or Josh Shapiro.

She represents the Biden-Harris team, which has caused record inflation, lower wages and, presently, two wars. The shame is that the Democratic Party denied its members to choose a viable candidate via the ballot box, because they lied to their constituency to protect themselves rather than the American people. They have set themselves up for failure because of dishonesty and the lack of integrity that leadership really is all about.

Thomas Jones

Sag Harbor