Sincere Thank You - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2169251
Jun 19, 2023

Sincere Thank You

I am humbled by the strong support I received from Southampton Village voters in last week’s mayoral election. I would like to sincerely thank all of those who voted for me. And to those who did not, I hope to earn your support as we move forward addressing the business of the village.

As I have said previously, I am totally committed to serving all in the village and doing my utmost to unite our community. I campaigned for mayor under the party name “Better Together,” and I pledge to uphold that promise of togetherness once in the mayor’s office.

The work that lies ahead requires collaboration among all residents, workers and volunteers in the village. To that end, my first priority is to bring civility back to village government. I look forward to listening to you as I roll up my sleeves to address the many issues confronting Southampton.

As we get ready to begin a new administration at noon on Monday, July 3, I would like to thank Mayor Jesse Warren for his four years of service to the Village of Southampton. I wish him and his fiancee, Martyna, all the best in their upcoming wedding next month.

William (Bill) Manger Jr.

Southampton Village