Stick Around, Please - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2250588

Stick Around, Please

Hats off to Anita, the spark at the circulation desk at the Rogers Memorial Library [“‘I Have Cancer, Cancer Doesn’t Have Me’: Anita Fuellbier Faces Stage IV Diagnosis With Strength, Determination,”, May 1]. Many people, learning her last name for the first time in your article, nevertheless felt her to be a good friend. Always smiling, efficient, helpful, funny and invariably full of cheer, it devastated staff and patrons to learn of her ominous cancer diagnosis. But not Anita.

She has picked herself up, trusted her doctors and science, determined to live every moment with her daughters, continuing to work as usual, trimming her hair to look chic, planning to travel and looking for ways to help others.

Crediting a great life and her cherished daughters has enabled her to stare death in the face. She may be “okay” with “another year and a half,” but we are not. We want her to beat it, to continue her life journey for another 30 years, to travel to places she hasn’t even dreamed of and to get to the Met to see an opera. We need her.

She has graced ordinary work and has always been a helpmeet; now she is an inspiration. Daily, she fulfills the words of the old spiritual: “If I can help somebody as I pass this way.” Now, we can help her. Go to her GoFundMe campaign at

Anita, you are essential. Stick around, please!

Frances Genovese
