TASH's Choices - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1702061

TASH’s Choices

The Teachers Association of Sag Harbor would like to announce that we are endorsing three candidates for the Sag Harbor Board of Education: Alex Kriegsman, Brian DeSesa and Ronald Reed.

Alex Kriegsman and Brian DeSesa are currently members of the board and are running for reelection. In early March, the Sag Harbor Board of Education took the courageous step of becoming the first school district in New York State to close its school buildings and transition to teaching classes remotely. Eventually, of course, the rest of the state followed its example.

The leadership and foresight that these two gentlemen, along with the rest of the current board, displayed are qualities that our community needs more than ever as we move forward.

There are other reasons why they should be reelected, including their professional and board experience. They have helped to create an environment of unprecedented cooperation between the board, the administration and the teachers. TASH strongly endorses their reelection.

This year, there are five outstanding individuals who are running for the School Board. Sandra Kruel and Helen Roussel are passionately committed to our community. However, we believe Mr. Reed’s credentials make him a better candidate for our School Board.

When Ronald Reed and his wife wanted to move their family from New York City to the East End, they wanted to be confident that their two children would receive the best possible education. They investigated all of the districts out here and selected Sag Harbor.

He would like the district to continually improve an already very good educational program. He is an architect and an artist. Mr. Reed immediately got involved with the school district and became a member of the Educational Facilities Planning Committee. If there are capital projects in the future, his experience, which includes having served as an architect on the LaGuardia Airport project, will be invaluable. Equally important is his desire to be a contributing member of the team.

The Teachers Association of Sag Harbor endorses Alex Kriegsman, Brian DeSesa and Ronald Reed for the Sag Harbor Board of Education; please consider voting for them.

Jim Kinnier


Teachers Association of Sag Harbor