The Meanest Man - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1666805

The Meanest Man

There was a Letter to the Editor on December 26 blaming Democrats for the loss of civility in our politics [“The Demise of Civility,” Letters, Western Edition]. I find this notion to be ironic at best, given Donald Trump’s incivility.

Just last month, Trump attacked John Dingell and his widowed wife. John Dingell was a veteran who served in World War II, and he was the longest-serving member of Congress in American history (59 years). I find attacking dead heroes and their wives to be very uncivil indeed.

Trump claims to be a counter-puncher — he only attacks his political opponents after they attack him. Well, John Dingell died this past February … His wife, who now serves in the House, voted for Trump’s impeachment. So I guess Trump feels that makes it okay to attack a dead hero. I beg to differ.

Even Lindsey Graham admonished Trump, telling him that it was “not funny.”

And this is not an isolated incident; rather, it is part of a pattern. Trump repeatedly attacked John McCain after he died — another war hero besmirched by Trump, who never served a day in his life (questionable bone spurs deferment).

Tough guy Trump picked on 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg. The petty big guy was jealous that she was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. You see, he takes everything personally — everything is all about him.

And then he recently called some members of the FBI “scum.”

There is a very, very long litany of Trump’s uncivil and downright repugnant and vulgar comments about so many men and women of all stripes. Trump’s game is to deflect, attack and lie, and repeat the process over and over again.

Let’s close by recalling that Trump said Nancy Pelosi was lying when she said that she prayed for him, and he said that she was crazy, and he said that her teeth were falling out.

Let us all pray for Donald Trump, the meanest, most uncivil man around.

Dick Sheehan

Westhampton Beach