The Same Hate - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1880601
Feb 7, 2022

The Same Hate

The Westhampton Beach School District has been a place for discrimination, bias, corruption and hate for decades.

A Black female student was a victim of these policies for not standing up for the pledge to the flag, since she believed that the country had failed to treat Black people fairly. The student’s stand on the issue caused backlash in many areas of the community. The plight was reported in several newspapers.

Several years earlier, the school district wanted to get rid of a special needs student by claiming he’d be better off at BOCES, located far away from the main school and the services it offered.

The student’s father was a lawyer and fought a great battle for his son. Various media outlets carried the story, and local support was gathered for the student. If the student didn’t have a father who was a lawyer, the student would have been railroaded by the school without any knowledge by anyone, except those who perpetrated the action.

Hate exists in many forms, and educated hate is one of the most dangerous. Westhampton Beach School District is a prime example of it — power, money, bias, discrimination, etc., by those in charge and those who want things their way, at the expense of those they deem don’t fit into their agenda.

The hate at Westhampton Beach School District has become educated over the decades, trying to present an “it’s what’s best for everyone” approach, but in reality its purpose is still the same.

Herbert Corwin


Corwin attended Westhampton Beach Schools in the 1960s — Ed.