Time For Action - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1677110

Time For Action

Many thanks for covering the Drawdown East End Festival and informing readers of its efforts to implement solutions to address climate change [“Drawdown East End: ‘Ragtag Group’ Targets Climate Change,” 27east.com, January 28].

The Southampton Town Democratic Committee adopted Project Drawdown’s solutions to reverse global warming into the mission statement for its Environmental Committee. As members, we advocate for Drawdown’s environmental strategies to address the crisis brought on by excessive levels of greenhouse gas emissions.

Individuals, families, organizations and businesses can assist in this effort. Many actions are simple and can be done using existing means that provide real savings.

Local governments can benefit, too. Drawdown can help invigorated and prioritized existing environmental plans, such as Southampton Town’s Sustainability 400+ and the Climate Smart Community program. The town has been unable to enact key plan and program provisions intended to address climate change. Familiarity with Drawdown can help activate the Coastal Resources and Water Protection Plan, because healthy waters, marshes and wetlands, so vital to our economy, reduce levels of carbon dioxide. Healthy forest and farming soils play a vital role, too.

Purposeful local action makes a difference; the town’s LED street lights are an example. Given the scope and urgency of the challenge, we ask our regional elected leaders to be familiar with Drawdown solutions to help fortify existing ideas for timely, effective action.

Mike Anthony


Rob Calvert

Sag Harbor

Dorothy Reilly


The writers are members of the Environmental Committee of the Southampton Town Democratic Committee — Ed.