Tired Cliches - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2246848
Apr 22, 2024

Tired Cliches

I read with interest the opinion piece, April 18, by Tom Clavin [“From Camelot to COVID,” The Road Yet Taken, Opinion, April 18]. I do not know Mr. Clavin’s work, but I do know Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s, his policies, and several of his books.

It was unfortunate that Mr. Clavin used tired cliches and untruths about Mr. Kennedy on his medical freedom views, totally ignoring his positions on climate, war, the border and the middle class. Mr. Clavin used Mr. Kennedy as bait for his history piece, but your readers should note that Mr. Kennedy is the only candidate running for president who is talking about the First Amendment, chronic disease and agriculture.

In a recent poll (leaving President Joe Biden out) asking who would you vote for, President Donald Trump or Mr. Kennedy, 69 percent said Kennedy.

If you want to guarantee a Trump defeat, go with RFK Jr.

Michael Duff

East Hampton