Unacceptable Location - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1842978

Unacceptable Location

I read with great interest the article by Stephen Kotz on the proposed cell tower adjacent to the Long Pond Greenbelt preserve [“Neighbors, Environmentalists Urge Verizon To Drop Call For Cell Tower In Long Pond Greenbelt,” 27east.com, December 15]. As a nearby Bridgehampton resident with excellent cell service, the proposed tower location appears at odds with the area where cell service is deficient — namely, Sag Harbor Village.

There are numerous options within Sag Harbor Village proper that could accommodate a tower of far less height and similar to Bridgehampton’s discrete monopole next to the train station on Fowler Avenue. Pierson High School, with its raised elevation, comes to mind, along with the area adjoining the village water tank, among others.

Having seen similar towers in other locations, notably in Westchester County, I can state with absolute certainty that the design as proposed would be abhorrent to all. It would dwarf any nearby tree canopy and protrude into the sky plane by at least 100 feet.

Given that the area of the proposed “equipment compound” is located approximately 100 feet above sea level, the top of the tower with its protruding branches would be visible for miles around. A 153-foot structure is tantamount to a 15-story building, as a point of reference. One might find such a height acceptable in Sequoia National Park, where 200-foot-tall tress are commonplace, but along the Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike, a 40-foot tree is a rarity.

Any structure of this height almost certainly would require a strobe or blinking warning light for aircraft, further eroding the tranquility and nocturnal activities of wildlife in the adjacent Long Pond Greenbelt preserve.

Surely a more appropriate and responsible site can be found that would achieve the desired result of better cellular service for Sag Harbor citizens than one halfway to Bridgehampton.

Preston T. Phillips

