Unethical or Unprofessional - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2201911
Sep 18, 2023

Unethical or Unprofessional

Last week, I sent a Letter to the Editor regarding the closing of Pond Lane [“Let Us Unite,” Letters, September 14]. This letter was sent on Sunday afternoon. In an attempt to be fair to our elected village trustees, I sent them an advance copy of my letter.

I was very surprised to then see in The Southampton Press that Bob Giuffra had obviously received a copy of my letter in advance and chose to respond to it on the same day [“Input Welcome,” Letters, September 14].

It is very sad — not to mention unethical and unprofessional — that either an elected trustee or the newspaper sent my letter to Mr. Giuffra. He used this unfair advantage to attack me personally and not admit that there are always two sides to a story.

Mr. Giuffra is doing a terrible disservice to the community by intimidating and attacking our fellow neighbors, and not recognizing that there are always two sides to a story. Civil discourse on the issues and a willingness to compromise are what promote harmony and unity.

Henry A. Ittleson


The Press did not provide a copy of the letter to Giuffra — Ed.