Verdict Is In - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1880568
Feb 7, 2022

Verdict Is In

I’ve just been thinking about how lucky we are to have people like Darr Reilly, her dedicated and hard-working teams, and the many people she and they have inspired and motivated to take action on the pressing issue of climate. We owe them all a debt of gratitude if for nothing more than for patiently nudging those of us on the sidelines to examine our own ways.

Coming on the heels of their recent workshops (which I confess I did not attend), it seems crazy for Southampton Village to even consider allowing the continued use of gas leaf blowers. The verdict is in: They are polluters in every way.

Why on Earth (or for Earth!) would we not take this simple, logical step and ban them permanently?

Alice Flynn

Southampton Village