Vision and Leadership - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2262214
Jun 18, 2024

Vision and Leadership

As mayor, I have witnessed firsthand the dedication and commitment of individuals who seek to serve our community, from our first responders and volunteers to public servants. Today, I am honored to endorse two exceptional public servants for the position of village trustee: Gina Arresta and Len Zinnanti.

Our village looks better than ever, thanks in large part to our deputy mayor and trustee liaison to the Department of Public Works, Gina Arresta. She brings a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to the table.

Gina’s ability to navigate the details of the Department of Public Works is unparalleled. She has spearheaded our environmental agenda by moving our village toward a net-zero carbon footprint. Whether it’s improving our infrastructure or addressing community needs, her proactive approach ensures progress and tackles challenges head-on.

Most importantly, Gina gets the job done. As noted in the recent Southampton Press editorial endorsing Gina and Len, Len’s financial acumen and decades of budgetary experience at large institutions add a critical dimension to the Board of Trustees. He has proven to be a huge asset to our community.

Sound fiscal management is more important now than ever, and his keen understanding of financial matters ensures that our village’s resources are allocated wisely and responsibly. His four-year financial forecasting was key in receiving our triple-A bond rating from Moody’s, lowering borrowing costs for the village.

Len’s strategic thinking and attention to detail are invaluable in guiding our community toward a sustainable and prosperous future.

Together, Gina and Len represent the essential, necessary components of effective good governance. They bring stability to the Board of Trustees. Gina’s and Len’s unique strengths and perspectives, while different, complement each other by providing a balanced and comprehensive approach to addressing our village’s needs and aspirations. They are both deeply committed to responsible government and opposed to overdevelopment and overspending.

As we continue to navigate future challenges, I am confident that Gina and Len will serve with integrity, diligence and a steadfast commitment to the well-being of our community. They have worked hard and have earned two more years serving the village.

I respectfully ask you to join me in voting for Gina Arresta and Len Zinnanti for village trustees. Together, let us continue to build a brighter future for our village, guided by the vision and leadership of these exceptional public servants.

William M. Manger Jr.


Village of Southampton