Working For You - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1818910

Working For You

The new and improved Westhampton Beach Village and Main Street should serve as the perfect example of the benefits of an infrastructure investment. It is night and day compared to the old above-ground electrical, narrower sidewalks and fewer restaurants. Even my 4-year-old recognizes the flowers replacing the wires.

When you mix government working well with various sources of funding, including the village itself, the Town of Southampton, Suffolk County and New York State, you get enhanced water and electrical utilities to serve more patrons, a quasi-beautification project, and improved access and walkways. The timing to have more outdoor dining cannot be overstated. The improved quality of shops is also clear, which is an extension of a stronger local economy, with more people on the streets excited to spend on local business.

We live in a time with a Democrat-run Washington arguing over the price tag and spending details of a broad national infrastructure bill with little to no cooperation from an ill Republican opposition party without ideas. While the answer to infrastructure, in principle, is an obvious “yes, let’s do it, what is taking so long,” at least we see the Dems at work. And that in principle is the theme these days. The Dems are working for you.

While Town of Southampton Republican candidates played politics this summer to hijack primaries, needlessly costing the town upward of $200,000 in taxpayer money, the town Democrats remained hard at work for you.

The current Democrat-led Town Council, along with the support of legislatures, Trustees and our supervisor, achieved a number of recent infrastructure wins, including a water quality project in Westhampton putting close to 200 homes on drainage, a solar-powered trash and waste project to clean up parks in Sag Harbor, water district upgrades in Hampton Bays, water monitoring and control testing around sand mines, and they have momentum on plans to introduce a cheap solar electric option.

Vote on November 2. Keep the Democrats in office. Let them continue to work for you and support community reinvestment.

Matt Rosenberg
