You Hold Us Up - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1693546

You Hold Us Up

To all of my friends in the medical profession: I am thinking about you all of the time during this crisis. Staying hard in the face of tragedy is difficult enough when it comes in spaced-out intervals. Forced to deal with it on a continuous basis, day in and day out, is incomprehensible.

The psychological demands transforming into intolerable stress and physical wearing would make it impossible for most others to remain so strong.

You are all the pillars of our community.

When things are good, the politicians shine.

When things get bad, the firefighters and police officers step up as the heroes.

When it all falls apart, it is all of you who hold the rest of us up. Thank you!

We are here for you now, and we will be here for you when this is over — we will not forget what you are doing and going through, ever.

Jimmy Kiernan

Hampton Bays