Zoomed Out - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2235732
Mar 4, 2024

Zoomed Out

It wasn’t too long ago that I attended a Zoom meeting where the featured guest speaker was Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, Democratic candidate for New York Assembly District 1.

Guess his style is to speak “off the cuff” — the same way he presented his “yes” vote for Liberty Gardens.

Schiavoni’s presentation at this Zoom event was flatter than a matzoh and was like spilled water, all over the place. Offering very little substance, the attendees just stared and glared, little to no engagement — they really zoomed out.

Then Schiavoni was done, ending his presentation, “and my wife is a family court judge.” No one reacted. Complete silence. They just stared.

Interesting snapshot of a candidate.

Remember in November.

Barbara Ring

Hampton Bays