Respect Voters - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1787220

Respect Voters

Southampton Village is a place I call home, a place that I respect more than any other in the world. I am ashamed of how some have decided to bring horrific politics into our homes. I have received fliers that I don’t want my grandchildren to see.

I know the world is moving fast, anything goes — but enough is enough.

Anyone who wants to be mayor cannot bludgeon us with fliers and lies and try to fool us. We are more intelligent than that. Please don’t embarrass us. I, for one, won’t stand for it. Give the voters the respect they deserve. Please don’t underestimate them; they won’t succumb to dirty politics.

These scare tactics hurt the elderly especially, and that’s not right. The police are an integral part of our community. We are lucky we don’t have the problems that are plaguing the rest of the country. To use the police as a pawn is despicable. Is this the new norm? The police are safe no matter which way you vote. Reviewing our government policies is one of the primary functions of any administration.

I hope the village comes out to vote in record numbers to keep our village the model it is. Even if a candidate had no part in these fliers, they should disavow them and bring our election back to its excellence and integrity.

Jerry Rosengarten

Southampton Village