Do No Harm - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2005835

Do No Harm

Thank you for speaking to the ecological importance of the Long Pond Greenbelt in the July 21 editorial “Leave It Alone.” Defend H2O joins the chorus of opposition to the PSEG Long Island proposed plan to install a transmission line under sensitive wetlands.

Although I was not present at the June 28 public hearing, I was able to watch the proceeding on YouTube and was moved by how informed and articulate many of the speakers were, thoroughly addressing the unique characteristics of the Long Pond Greenbelt, potential environmental impacts and providing compelling arguments why PSEG should abandon plans to employ horizontal directional drilling (HDD) under wetlands in favor of an alternative route.

Following review of the draft environmental impact statement, I had two immediate impressions. First, project scoping (identification of relevant concerns) is cookie-cutter generic — no specificity to the ecological uniqueness of the area and vulnerability of the natural resources present. Secondly, the DEIS examination of the effects of electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, on wetland biota is grossly deficient. Specifically, the impacts from EMFs on rare and threatened reptile and amphibian populations isn’t addressed.

Given its environmental uniqueness, the heightened level of protection afforded the ecosystem through multi-government actions and the uncertainty of HDD and EMF impacts, PSEG should rethink its plan.

Do no harm — a principle which, above all else, should determine the outcome.

Kevin McAllister

Founder & President

Defend H2O

Sag Harbor