Stony Brook Southampton, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences - Lecture Series - 27 East


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Stony Brook Southampton, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences - Lecture Series


On Wednesday, November 3rd at 7:00 PM, Joyce Novak, PhD. - Executive Director, Peconic Estuary Partnership, will present the lecture “The National Estuary Program on the East End of Long Island"

Our Lectures will now take place in-person in the Duke Lecture Hall on the
Stony Brook University Southampton Campus and on Zoom!

The abstract of the talk appears below. We hope to see you back in person or on Zoom!

Cited as one of the “Last great places in the Western Hemisphere,” the Peconic Estuary contains a rich mosaic of natural communities, all of which are important to the ecology and productivity of this ecosystem. There is a larger percentage of undisturbed habitats and a greater diversity of natural communities within the Peconic Estuary watershed, on a per unit area basis, than anywhere else in the coastal zone of New York State. The Peconic Estuary and its Watershed became a National Estuary Program in 1993 with the support of Suffolk County, New York State, and local officials. For over 25 years the Peconic Estuary Partnership has led water quality improvements and ecological conservation efforts on the East End of Long Island. A partnership of federal, state, county, and local government , and nonprofit entities, PEP strives for consensus based decision making and works to prioritize clean water on the East End of Long Island.

Courtney Ferland is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SoMAS Southampton Lecture Series - Joyce Novak, PhD., Executive Director, Peconic Estuary Partnership
Time: Nov 3, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Wed, Nov 3, 2021 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM


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