A Heavy Load - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1779842

A Heavy Load

A Heavy Load

An open seat for Southampton Town highway superintendent invites this ask of the candidates: Will you help redress the noisy and dangerous cavalcade on many of our residential roads by calming the traffic?

The pandemic brought out more pedestrian and cycling activity among those here for more of the year. But we on the through streets face an increasing volume of speeding, and heavy vehicles — often trade, but not only trade.

Will you, if elected, pledge to work with other safety officials for a lower default speed limit on each category of road, to be monitored electronically and enforced, if necessary, by camera ticketing? Will you employ provisional “bumps” to drive home the message?

The limited east-west road network in much of the town invites ever more use of bypasses that were never intended to bear this load. At least we can make that traffic adjust to the interests of the people it thunders by.

Tim Ferguson

Water Mill