Caring Professionals - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1805965
Aug 10, 2021

Caring Professionals

It started with Hampton Bays Volunteer Ambulance to safely remove me from my home in their newly acquired chair on the stairs to the waiting ambulance. I never felt safer, and the trained folks were terrific.

At the emergency room at Peconic Bay Medical Center, my pains were handled quickly and accordingly. After tests, and consult with doctor and surgical team, I was admitted. Necessary and cautionary means continued.

After six days of professional, compassionate and consistent care, I just have to say each and every doctor, nurse, aide, cleaners and those who came into my rooms made my stay as comfortable as could be, and the smiling faces and cheerful hellos added to my feeling that I came to the right hospital.

Home now, I want those who cared for me to know: Thank you for all you did, do and will do for others. God bless and keep on keeping on.

Beverly Livernoche

Hampton Bays