I'm Awake - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1842987

I'm Awake

Yes! I’m awake.

Awake to East End businesses closing down because they can’t find employees to work.

Awake to schools unable to hire enough teachers.

Awake to veterans living with others and hoping for a place of their own.

Awake to volunteer ambulance companies needing more volunteers.

Awake to volunteer fire departments needing more volunteers.

Awake to our beaches operating without lifeguards this past summer.

Awake to the homeless in our community.

Awake to young families moving out of the East End to find a place to live that they can afford.

Awake to mature adults struggling to find home care.

Awake to therapists being overwhelmed with parents and children stuck in the cycle of moving because their homes are rented out from underneath them to the highest bidder.

Awake to evictions happening all the time.

Awake to the need for smart, “place-based” community housing in every hamlet and village that respects the character of the community while providing residents a place to live.

Awake to the fact that well-populated business districts have healthy, sustainable businesses.

Awake that our farmers, fishers, artists, and hospitality owners and staff hold important places in our East End community.

Awake to the need to protect our environment.

Awake to the need to protect our water quality.

Awake to the need to protect our people on the East End, no matter how much money they have.

Yes! I’m awake.

Are you awake too?

Michael Daly

East End YIMBY