I am writing in support of Jesse Warren for mayor.
As a fellow first-time mayor, in Sag Harbor, now in my own contentious reelection campaign, I feel like the level of our political discourse on the East End has reached a new low. Neither Jesse nor I, nor any of the candidates or the elected officials or volunteer boards members out here, deserve the rhetoric and hysteria that our elections now seem to focus on.
My experience in the past two years working with Jesse has been wonderful. He is a passionate mayor, working tirelessly for the people of his village before, during and after the COVID crisis. He reached out to me to see if our EMS and others needed more personal protective equipment when he was fortunate enough to have gotten a shipment at the height of the crisis. He asked if Southampton could recreate the mask campaign in your village, which helped remind people to “Wear a Mask” for their friends and family, co-workers and neighbors. And he kept his promise of helping to clean up your water and look for ways to enliven your shopping areas.
I don’t know if I will have been reelected by the time this is printed, but I do hope I will be, and I sincerely hope I can serve another two years with my friend and colleague Jesse Warren in our neighboring Southampton Village.
Kathleen Mulcahy
Village of Sag Harbor