The South Fork Natural History Museum (SOFO) is offering a “Marine Biology Boat Trip—Go Hands-On Trawling with the Experts” on Saturday, August 17. Participants will be exploring the depths of Shinnecock Bay with marine biologists from Stony Brook’s Southampton Campus.
Stony Brook University’s Peconic, a 45-foot research vessel, will depart from the Stony Brook Marine Sciences Station in Southampton at 9:45 a.m. and return to the dock at 1 p.m.
Marine life is incredibly different in the deep waters of Shinnecock Bay than what can be seen from the shore. On this excursion, participants will join in a variety of activities performed by marine biologists, and will aid scientists in trawling the waters to bring in and study finfish, invertebrates, and plankton.
Benthic grabs will also be performed to inspect the muddy bottom of the bay, followed by a zooplankton tow to catch and observe these small animals under magnification.
“Hauling in a net from the bottom of the bay is always exciting,” said SOFO’s Melanie Meade, an education and outreach coordinator. “You may get seaweeds with blue claw crabs, pufferfish and seahorses; or a doormat fluke or a conger eel. The bay bottom can be sand, eelgrass or seaweeds and each habitat holds its own surprises.”
The program is for adults and children age 8 and up. Children under 12 must bring their own life jackets. The fee is $35 ($25 SOFO members). Register at (631) 537-9735 or email