The Suffolk presents “MILF Life Crisis,” the one-woman comedy show, on Sunday, August 13, at 8 p.m. Award-winning actress and Second City alumnae, Anne Marie Scheffler, creator and star of nine critically acclaimed solo shows, is a firecracker on stage in this “girls night out” hit show.
Scheffler’s lovable one-woman comedy is a laugh-out-loud journey of a happily married wife and mother being handed a divorce. But out comes the Tinder apps and looking for love as her parenting schedule allows. Scheffler frantically turns over all possibilities of dating again in mid-life — new boyfriends, old boyfriends, young boyfriends, dance clubs and a trip to New York City — all while learning (spoiler alert) how to still honor and love the marriage that had ended and had given her children.
Always heartfelt and always vulnerable, this exaggerated autobiographical romp into finding love is Scheffler’s comic genius at its best. With advice from a psychic (who channels Celine Dion), her divorcee soul sisters Terry and Kendra, her still married friends — happily and unhappily — and her commitment to her children, Scheffler ends up finding the best love and the only love she really needs: self-love. Which makes her a good mom, a good friend, a good ex-wife and ultimately available for romantic love again.
“MILF Life Crisis” is a fast-paced, sexy, funny, sweet, relatable and celebratory night out. This 90-minute ride about love, sex, relationships and finding yourself again after the world has exploded in mid-life will have audiences cheering for finding love again and truly believing that the best is absolutely yet to come. Because Mother’s Are Incredible, Lovely and Fantastic — and that’s what MILF stands for!
Tickets for the show are $49 at Suffolk Theater is at 118 East Main Street, Riverhead.