A Train Wreck - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1787277
Jun 7, 2021

A Train Wreck

A two-part question for candidates, if you will, for any Sag Harbor Village Board seats.

One: A train or airplane wreck normally starts long before the actual occurrence, because people involved decide not to follow, or simply ignore, standards, proven standards used to ensure success and that are part of a moral obligation.

The Sag Harbor community has had in place for decades, for generations, standards of intent and laws for not only historic preservation and restoration but also for our cultural preservation.

What has gone so terribly wrong so as to allow not just one but three ugly glass block houses to go up in the very central forefront of our village? This would have never been allowed to happen in Charleston, Newport or Nantucket.

Second question: When train wrecks, etc., occur, normally the people who are directly responsible or complicit are fired. The more noble ones resign, across the board.

Why has this not happened, with the train wreck as represented by a total lack of respect for our village and signified by a long process producing these three insulting, glass block homes, which should be removed immediately?

Is it that the philosophies, policies and people who have moved in from the west — from such as New York City, which now lays in smoldering ruins — are better?

P.H. Babcock

Sag Harbor