DWI Arrests Archives - 27 East

Police / DWI Arrests

East Hampton Press / Police / DWI Arrests

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East Hampton DWI Arrests for the Week of July 25

Eric Martin Peterson, 54, of Springs was charged with felony DWI last Thursday evening after a traffic stop on Accaabonac Road. East Hampton Village Police said Peterson was driving at 2005 GMC Envoy when he ran the stop sign at the intersection of Accabonac Road and Collins Avenue. Police also said that the vehicle’s registration was expired, adding that there were various other vehicular infractions that were written up. The arresting officer reported Peterson looked intoxicated and had him take roadside sobriety tests, which police said Peterson failed. At headquarters a breath test produced to reading of slightly over .08, the mark that defines intoxication in the State of New York. The DWI charges against Peterson are felonies because he was previously convicted in 2018 of the same charge at the misdemeanor level. Any DWI charge is at the felony level if the driver has a prior conviction for DWI within the 10 prior years.

Amanda R. Mintz, 43, of New Caanan, Connecticut was charged with misdemeanor DWI by East Hampton Town Police on the night of July 15. She was arrested in Montauk on Montauk Highway, police said, after being pulled over because the late-model westbound Porsche SUV she was driving swerved across lane lines and entered into the oncoming lane. Mintz appeared intoxicated, according to the police, and was asked to perform roadside sobriety tests, which she failed, leading to her arrest. After her arrest, a non-life-threatening medical matter came up, and Mintz was transported by ambulance to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, according to the court file on the case. There, Mintz reportedly had blood drawn, which was to be tested to determine the level of alcohol in the blood. The result of that test should be available at Mintz’s next court date, July 31.

Jonnathan Rolando Villa Serrano, 31, of Springs, was charged with misdemeanor DWI after a traffic stop on Three Mile Harbor Hog Creek Road early Sunday morning. Town Police said Villa Serrano appeared intoxicated and failed roadside sobriety tests. At headquarters, a breath test reportedly produced a reading slightly in excess of the .08 mark that defines intoxication.